Wednesday, May 22, 2013

what is normal?

What happens so often in life is that we often spend too much time being sad and depressed over something someone else said. We spend minutes, hours, days thinking about that comment somebody said about you. We spend so much time being sad over things. We spend so much time finding excuses for mistakes we've made. 

If you dropped 10 dollars on your way to a place, would you spend 20 dollars to go back and find that 10 dollar? 

what's done, is done.
why make things difficult for yourself?

I spent 70 minutes looking at Hallux valgus in Design Tech for mdp. It's actually quite interesting. I have that deformity myself so that makes it x1000 more interesting than it should be. Mine's actually passed down from my grandma. She'd say, "why do you get the bad gene from me?". It's not that severe atm so it's not causing pain. I also tend to walk abnormally, my feet rolls inwards SHUSH I'M ADJUSTING QQ. Apparently most people nowadays do that too so they have awkward slanted ankle. 

Will need to get a surgery if it gets worse in the future. See, things are so much more interesting when you can relate to it. 
-looks at own foot-
-looks at x ray images online-
-looks at own foot-
-looks at google images-
now the more I look at the shape of my toe..
the more I find it abnormal
but then I don't know what a normal toe looks like...
it looks weird to me
wtf why is it so straight in the photos

four days left!

每一口 換來的都是幸福

