Thursday, May 2, 2013

smt musical

-leads people to the toilet-
people: "thank you"
maggie: "it's okay"

level 5 basic social skills 
I should of said "you're welcome"
why am I so awkward :(

The city was kind of foggy today.
Took a photo because I was bored ok hahaha

Not going in chronological  order 
made my froyo
the kiwi was pretty sour
never again

What actually happened today:

We had our monthly exercise this arvo, jogged from the oval all the way to the bus stop. It was so tiring LOL haven't ran irl for so long. I only freerun in my dreams. We arrived at city and Julie went to buy her sushi, Victoria bought teppenyaki for me and subway for herself and I went and bought hazel for all of us. Afterwards, we went to catch the 415 and walked back to school. It was like HIT and RUN but it's BUY and FAST WALK. We did manage to get back to school at 10 past 4, which gives us 20 minutes to eat our dinner. I had$5  currrrrry and there were so much rice. 4 times more than I normally eat Q____Q still managed to finish it! On top of that, I also drank grass jelly milk tea large size. 

The usher and ticket sales crew worked the chairs and the entrance area. Then I went and checked out the make up crew in action. Taking sefiz, chillin while they're concentrating on doing the make up.

I actually don't have many decent 'uploadable' photos and the following photo was actually taken on wednesday but whuteva, the filters were cool.


Though we did spend some time spazzing about what time we should open doors etc and which toilet we're suppose to show the guests... but it was still pretty fun listening to the musical. It's past my normal bed time, still have to write mando speech and fill in forms. I guess that's a decent excuse for my short post.

until then

justin timberlake mirrors live every night before sleep 
it's turning into a routine omg