Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thursdays suck

I should make a list of games I will try after finals @@
still haven't tried legends of edda but I finally got around to installing it. 

We watched a vid on the new xbox one in instep a few days ago. "cant cheat anymore on dance central". Looks really good but I'd rather get a better comp LOL 

Had a random tok/d&m chat in physics with bianca and alfie today. If you don't know, the euthanasia bill in nsw was voted down today. Which means, terminal il;ness patients will not be allowed to request assistance to end their own life. In my opinion, people should have the right to end their life when they're suffering from an illness that cannot be cured or treated. It's so unfair. There's no 'end of the tunnel' for them, the tunnel only ends when they are relieved from the pain they're going through, when they die. I don't understand, why should the patients be treated like a lab mice. Being kept alive for a bit longer with morphine, just to test out how far the tunnel goes. It is inhumane and ruthless. Where is the bloody compassion in parliament? People go through a long term self destruct to escape this pain. They're going to a painful death. Why are they not allowed to go through a painless death? Is it really that fun to watch people suffer? 

Once we called the RSPCA to come and 'inspect' this wallaby that was lying in the middle of our front yard for 6 hours or so. The wallaby just lied there and didn't even move when we stood at the entrance of the door (normally they'd quickly jump away). It looked like the wallaby had a leg injury, his/her foot was bleeding. Mind you, it wasn't a small cut, it reached from the tip of the foot to the 'ankle'. The RSPCA came and they covered blankets, sheets over the wallaby to calm him/her down. Then they carried the wallaby into the van. They told us that the wallaby's wounds were too deep it'll affect his/her future life. On top of that, the wallaby is most likely shocked, mentally scarred, from humane contact. So they've decided to put down the wallaby. 

All I'm saying is..humans are given the authority (from themselves) to put an animal out of his/her misery, "why can't we share the same compassion for our loved ones?". COME ON, IT'S THEIR REQUEST. This is the ultimate, most selfish act imo. 
Yeah I know this is a sensitive topic but everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I do realise that voicing my opinions here will make no change but I'd like to look back on some posts in future years and be like, "wow I have always been so awesome", "interesting thought maggie".

lol we also discussed on whether we believe souls exist or not. According to quantum theory, it does.
There are documentaries of them, something that most of us don't see or feel that animals do. Sounds like I'm a lunatic but can anyone rebut against an experience? I woke up early one morning around 4am and couldn't sleep at all so I walked out of my room and lied on the couch. My pony tail was hanging off the arm rest area and I lied there perfectly still to watch the sunrise. Suddenly, I felt my pony tail was being 'flicked' and it was so bloody freaky. I don't know why but I was fearless back then and even got up to check behind the couch to see if there were ANYTHING (psh I was 10) but I didn't find anything. 

Off the top of my head, they've been spotted in the white house and in the taiwan's presidential office (reporters who come in and out knows) and they're always the same ones...and many more hahahahah I listened to all these reports until I fell asleep during the holidays. #bored 

anyway >_>
Caffeine will write the TOK essay and mando written assignment for me. 
This is going to be a long night.....