Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Another ep of me ranting

Here goes another rant.
Heard about this news 3 days ago but never got around to rant about it.
Yeah, in short, the Philippines killed a Taiwanese fisherman. 
Okay, this sounds like Philippines are ruthless and all but there's more to it. The fishing boat was indeed travelling in the area which the Philippines and Taiwan are still laying claims to. Which meant that the area is not specifically Taiwan's or Philippines. The thing is, Philippines fired 32 times at the boat. whaddheck m8. It'll be reasonable for a shot or two to signal the fisherman to gtfo but 32 shots? Apparently it was also consecutive, continuous shots. 

One of the fisherman died so the Taiwanese president came out yesterday(or the day before lol can't remember) to request for an apology from the Philippine government. I still remember dad saying "ma ying jeou better use this chance to regain his status". Dang right he's not doing too well now though it's his second round as the president. ECFA? How about you go _ yourself? He didn't even tell the rest of the country about the details of the agreement and what happened in the negotiation process. Basically wasting tax payer's money. American scholars suggested that China were using ECFA to reduce the possibility for Taiwan to sign FTA with other countries. Since ECFA has passed through, China can pressure Taiwan's economy (economic sanction). Everyone knows that China wants Taiwan for its economy and by signing that ECFA, Taiwan is pretty much sold off to China. Yes, yes 'Mr Ma', in my opinion, successfully brainwashed people to vote for him, and let him unify Taiwan with China through controlling Taiwan's economy. He just doesn't have the balls to represent Taiwan (he's not even born in Taiwan dafuq) and wants personal gain from the position, acting as the 'peacemaker'. LOL I'm sounding a bit too critical/negative but I'm looking at his motives without being bias. I'm not blue, or green. IM ORANGE. I SUPPORT THE UNDERDOGS :DD though I know they have very minimal chance to win the election. 
come on, the orange one is the "people first party", sounds legit.

There there I went off topic again. I was talking about how Mr Ma doesn't do his job at all as the leader of the country...Today, dad said "nah ma ying jeou... bu xing.. mei yong" "馬英九...不行..沒用" " Mr Ma..not good..useless". 

Philippines apologised but it was..insincere..

Let's put it into a relate-able situation:
You ride your scooter (LOL) at the street next to yours because they have a 'scootable' street. One of the people living on that street brings out an AK47 and continuously fire at you and your 'friends' for an hour and you couldn't escape. 
(totally relate-able guise)
You died.
Your family wants them to apologise.
 They appoint this other person living in the street to apologise for them. 
Where's the person that shot you? Not even in jail. Just chillin at home on the couch yo.
Not even paying the full amount for your death
you know what? 
your life was worthless to the people living on the street.

You could say they're probably paranoid and thought you were some invaders in fishing boats == but 32 shots mean they want you dead (and you didn't trespass either). Well that gives enough reasons for the Taiwanese community to get pissed off at both governments. 

I was thinking to rant about samsung but naaaah another day.
I'll probably get a lot of hate if I write that though so I'll cite everything HAHAHHAHA
I read an article (around 8-15 pages) in the business magazine the other day and it was so tiring to read it because it was in full mando. All these business terms I've never heard of QQ. They also translated a Korean ex samsung worker's article about how the business works there etc. The analysts said that though samsung looks to be getting better and better results, but the connections are slowly breaking off and in time, they will no longer be standing so 'strong'. Hmm, after doing research on my own, it could be true o__o

but I definitely understand the reason why I couldn't buy a samsung phone back then. 
"no samsung" she said.
So I have Sony now.

people: what type of phone is that?
maggie: the one that you can chuck it in the toilet

maggie: ..and it'll still work

 I wonder if anyone's actually interested in my rants or the 'upcoming' rant LOL
nek minnit, no views.
I'll just-
keep ranting you can't stop me.